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Legal Publications

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Publications from 2008 to December 2020 (either published or accepted: it does not include pending application)


If the language of a publication is different from English (e.g. Spanish, Italian), that contribution is in English.

“Fascia A” or “A List” is the list of the current top journals of the Italian Ministry of Education. This list is the only one in Europe originating from an official body.

“Scientific List” is the second tier (journals not in the A List, however Scientific, of a good quality) of the Italian ministry of Education

Otherwise, with no indication, journals not ranked by any list of the Italian Ministry of Education. However, they may be in Westlaw anyway or they are not strictly law-related


Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bail-in: Do Italians do It better (or Worse, or not at All) (2021) European Business Law Review, accepted for publication on 13 January 2020 (sole author) (A list) (1) (forthcoming)

Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bail-in, diritti dei creditori e costituzione italiana” [Bail-in, Creditors’ Rights and Constitution] (2020)5 Giurisprudenza Commerciale (ISSN: 0390-2269) (sole author) A list (1) (in Italian) (in print)

Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Le Azioni di Responsabilità dei Soci di Minoranza e Unfairly Prejudical Conducts nelle Società e Banche in Gran Bretagna’ [Derivative Proceedings of Minority Shareholders and Unfairly Prejudicial Conducts in Companies and Banks in the United Kingdom] (2020) Comparazione e Diritto Civile, accepted for publication on 20 March 2020, forthcoming (sole author) (A list) (1) (in Italian) (in print)

Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bail-in, Technobanking, e Convenzione Europea’ [Bail-in and European Convention] (2020) Mercato Concorrenza e Regole, accepted for publication on 1st July 2020, forthcoming (sole author) (A list) (1) (in Italian) (in print)

Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Robby Houben and Werner Vandenbruwaene (Eds.), The Single Resolution Mechanism (Intersentia, Cambridge, Cambridge 2017’ (2020) Common Market Law Review, forthcoming (book review) (A list) (1)


REF 2021:    


  1. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese & Carola Pagliarin, ‘Bail-in and Italian Constitutional Values’ (2020)1 LUISS LAW REVIEW 1-40 (ISSN 2531-6915) (Senior Author) (scientific)

  2. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, Organismi di vigilanza e “231” [Anti-bribery Company Law Bodies and Italian Anti-bribery Legislation] (2020) Rivista amministrativa della 231 (ISSN: 2239-2416) (sole author) (A list) (in italian) (forthcoming)

  3. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bail-in e tutele amministrative’ [Bail-in and Admministrative Law Safeguards] (2020) Le Società 449-463 (ISSN: 1591-2094) (sole author) (scientific) (in Italian) 

  4. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘BRRD o Direttiva bail-in “Atto Secondo” [BRRD or Bail-in Directive Second Act] (2020)1 Studi sull’Integrazione Europea 89-112 (ISSN: 1970-0903) (sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian) 

  5. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘The New Prospectus Regulation: Towards a (Quasi) Unified Legislation of the European Capital Markets’ (2019)2 Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commerciale 407-434 (ISSN: 2281-2628) (A list) (1) 

  6. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Insolvenza e Strumenti di Risoluzione: Convergenze e Parallelismi’ [Insolvency and Resolution Tools: Convergent and Parallel Approaches]  2020(I) Diritto Fallimentare 338-361 (ISSN: 0391-5239) (sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian) 

  7. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bail-in: Directive 2019/879 (TLAC/MREL) and Amendments to the BRRD’ (2019)30 International Company and Commercial Law Review 669-694 (ISSN: 0958-5214) (Sole Author) (Westlaw) (1)

  8. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Crisi Bancarie e Aiuti di Stato. La Sentenza Tercas: Brussels versus Italy?’ [Bank Crises and State Aids: the Tercas Court Decision. Brussels versus Italy?] [2019] 15 October 2019 Ordine Internazionale e Diritti Umani 686-718 (ISSN: 2284-3531) (Sole Author) (A list) (in Italian) (1)

  9. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘I Wates Principles nella Disciplina delle Società non Quotate Rilevanti in Gran Bretagna’ [The Wates Principles within the Discipline of the Non-Listed Companies of Major Dimension in the UK] (2019)3 Rivista Orizzonti di Diritto Commerciale (711-746) (ISSN 2282-667X) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  10. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Bridge Bank e Decisum della UK Supreme Court su Banco Espirito Santo: dal Bonus Argentarius and Coactus Argentarius’ [Bridge Bank (Bail-in) and Decisum of the UK Supreme Court on Banco Espirito Santo: from the Good Banker to the to the Coerced Banker] (2019)38(2) Banca Impresa Società 377-425 (Sole Author) (in Italian) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  11. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Il Principio di Separatezza Patrimoniale fra Common Law e Civil Law: da Salomon v Salomon al Companies Act 2006, passando per la Società Italiana Nummo Uno’ [The Principle of Separate Personality between Common Law and Civil Law: from Salomon v Salomon to the Companies Act 2006, via the Italian Simplified Company] (2019)3 Rivista di Diritto Bancario 373-408 (ISSN 2279–9737 (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  12. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘I Contratti di Esternalizzazione dei Soggetti Vigilati: Normativa; Potere Sanzionatorio delle Autorità. Il Provvedimento EBA nella Filosofia del Single Supervisory Mechanism e in relazione alla Normativa Italiana’ [Outsourcing Contracts of Supervised Authorities: Regulation and Enforcement of the Authorities: the EBA Guidelines in the SSM Philosophy and in Connection with the Italian Legal System] (2019)3 Contratto e impresa 1123-5055 (ISSN 1029-1081) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  13. Pierre de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Insolvencía y Strumentos de Resolución Bancaria’ [Insolvency and Banking Resolution Tools] (2019)31 Revista de Derecho Consursal y Paraconsursal 143-160 (ISSN 1698-4188) (Sole Author) (scientific) (1) (in Spanish)

  14. H Li, E Jones & P de Gioia-Carabellese, ‘Agency Costs of Board Connections and Director Retention: Evidence from UK Takeovers’ (2019) International Journal of Management and Finance (Junior Author) (in print) (ABS list)

  15. P de Gioia Carabellese & D Zhang, ‘The Legal Nature of the Recovery and Resolution Plans in the New Architecture of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive’ (2019)30 International Company and Commercial Law Review 380-398 (ISSN: 0958-5214) (Senior Author) (Westlaw) (0.5)

  16. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility e Common Law’ (Corporate Social Responsibility and Common Law) (2019) Giurisprudenza Commerciale (part 1) 1041-1060 (ISSN: 0390-2269) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  17. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Le Cartolarizzazioni fra Attività Bancaria Opaca e Nuova Regolamento EU’ (Securitizations through the Lens of the Shadow Banking and the New EU Regulation) (2019)14 Studi sull’Integrazione Europea) 339-364 (ISSN: 1970-0903) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (in Italian)

  18. P de Gioia Carabellese & Daoning Zhang, ‘Bail-in Tool and Bank Insolvency: Theoretical and Empirical Discourses around a New Legal (or Illegal) Concept’ (2019)30 European Business Law Review 487-511 (ISSN: 0959-6941) (Senior Author) (A list) (0.9)

  19. M De Poli & P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Towards a Full Harmonization of the European Banking Regulation: Dilemmas in a Legal Discourse between Regulation and Enforcement’ (2019)26 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 190-216 (ISSN: 1023-263X) (Joint and Correspondent Author) (A list) (0.9)

  20. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘The Directive on the Credit Agreements for Consumers relating to Residential Immovable Property (Directive 2014/17): a Regulatory Explanation and a Private Law Analysis’ (2018)29 European Business Law Review (Sole Author) 33-57 (ISSN: 0959-6941) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (ENG)

  21. P de Gioia Carabellese & C Chessa, ‘Missives and Deposit in Scottish Law: Diachronic and Comparative Reflections about the Concept of Arrha’ (2017)28 European Business Law Review 367-389 (ISSN: 0959-6941) (senior author) (A list)

  22. I.A. Savini & P. de Gioia Carabellese, La responsabilità degli enti creditizi in Italia e Gran Bretagna: una possibile armonizzazione post Brexit? [2017] La Responsabilità Amministrativa delle Società e degli Enti (Rivista 231) 181-193 (ISSN 2239-2416) (co-author) (A list)

  23. M De Poli & P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘The Minority Directors in the Corporate Governance of EU Listed Institutions: a Chimera or a Possibility?’ (2017)24 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1-20 (ISSN: 1023-263X) (Joint Author) (A list) (0.5)

  24. P de Gioia Carabellese & K Myhill, ‘Age discrimination: A ‘too Young’ Protected Characteristic in Europe?’ (2016)2 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Equality and Diversity (Senior Author)

  25. P Sinclair (de Gioia Carabellese), ‘Compound Interest and its Validity (or Invalidity): the State-of-the-Art of British Common Law Discussed by Virtue of a Comparative Analysis’ (2016)5 Law and Economics Yearly Review 174-200 (ISSN: 2050-9014) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (ENG)

  26. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘EU Principles of Workers’ Participation in the Management of Businesses and the Employee Shareholder in Britain: Rules, Interpretation and Lacunae of a New Subcategory of the Contract of Employment’ (2016)5 E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 1-27 (ISSN: 2280-4056) (Sole Author) (not ranked, peer reviewed)

  27. P de Gioia Carabellese & C Chessa, ‘La Direttiva 2014/17/UE in merito ai Contratti di Credito ai Consumatori relativi a Beni Immobili Residenziali: una Interpretazione del Quadro Normativo e una Analisi di Diritto Privato’ (The Directive on the Credit Agreements for Consumers relating to Residential Immovable Property (Directive 2014/17): a Regulatory Explanation and a Private Law Analysis’) (2016)139 Responsabilità Civile e Previdenza 1422-1442 (ISSN: 0391-187X) (in Italian) (Joint Author) (A list) (0.5)

  28. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Il Concetto Giuridico di Compound Interest (o Anatocismo) in una Analisi Comparata con il Common Law Britannico’ (2016) Rivista di Diritto Bancario 1-19 (ISSN: 2279–9737) (Sole Author) (in Italian) (A list) (1)

  29. P de Gioia Carabellese & C Chessa, ‘The So-Called Pan-European Depositors’ Protection Scheme: a Further Euro Own-goal? A critical analysis of Directive 2014/49’ (2016)23 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 241-260 (ISSN: 1023-263X) (Senior Author) (A list) (0.5)

  30. C Chessa e P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Il Cosiddetto Sistema Paneuropeo di Protezione dei Depositanti: un Ulteriore Euro Autogol? Un’Analisi Critica della Direttiva 2014/49’ (The So-Called Pan-European Depositors’ Protection Scheme: a Further Euro own-goal? A critical analysis of Directive 2014/49) (2016)58 Banca, Borsa e Titoli di Credito (3) 332-352 (ISSN: 0390-9522) (Joint Author) (in Italian) (A list) (0.5)

  31. P de Gioia Carabellese & A Sangiorgio, ‘Il Lavoratore Subordinato con Azioni ma Liberamente Licenziabile: la Nuova Figura dell’Employee Shareholder in Gran Bretagna’ (The Employee with Shares, albeit Susceptible to Being Fired, in Great Britain) (2016)26 Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali 319-334 (ISSN: 1121-8762) (in Italian) (Senior Author) (A list)

  32. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘The Bank Insolvency Directive (Directive 2001/24/EC) halfway between Scylla (Politics) and Charybdis (Finance): a Comparative and Empirical Analysis’ (2015)4 Law and Economics Yearly Review 178-195 (ISSN: 2050-9014) (Sole Author) (A list) (1) (ENG)

  33. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘The Employee Shareholder: the Unbearable Lightness of Being …. an Employee in Britain’ (2015)22 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 81-95 (ISSN: 1023-263X) (Sole Author) (A list) (1)  

  34. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Corporate Governance of British Banks and Duties of Directors: Practical Implications of the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Demise’ (2014)2 Law and Economics Yearly Review 134-165 (ISSN: 2050-9014) (Sole Author) (A list) (1)

  35. C Chessa & P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Il Passaggio del Rischio nella Vendita della Proprietà e la Massima (Oscura) Res Perit Domino fra Tradizione Scozzese e Tradizione Continentale’ (‘The Passing of the Risk in the Sale of a Heritable Property and the (Obscure) Roman Maxim Res Perit Domino in between Scotland and the “Continental” Tradition’) (2014)1 Contratto e Impresa/Europa 296-318 (ISSN: 11272872) (Joint Author) (in Italian) (A list) (1)




  1. P de Gioia Carabellese, The EU Regulation on Securitisations, Routledge, 2020, accepted for publication (monograph)

  2. P de Gioia Carabellese, Securitisation Europea e cession dei crediti. Dallo Shadow Banking and Technobanking. [The New EU Regulation on Securitizazion and Sale of Receivables. From Shadow Banking to Technobanking], Law Series of the University of Bari, Cacucci, 2020, accepted for publication (monograph) (ITA) 

  3. P de Gioia Carabellese, European Banking Law, Edward Elgar, 2021, (research book) (by 2021) (title to be reviewed)

  4. P de Gioia Carabellese, La Ricapitalizzazione Bancaria Interna [The Internal Banking Recapitalization], Roma, Series of Business Law, Studium, June 2020 (ISBN: 978-88-382-4911-2) (monograph)  (ITA)

  5. M Haentjens & P de Gioia Carabellese, European Banking and Financial Law (2nd edn Routledge, London and New York 2020) (Hardback: 978-1-138-04229-2; Paperback: 978-1-138-04230-8; eBook: 978-1-315-17376-4) (treatise)

  6. P de Gioia Carabellese, Crisi della Banca e Diritti dei Creditori [Bank Insolvency and Creditors’ Rights], Collana Studi sull’Integrazione Europea, Cacucci, Bari, June 2020 (978-66-6611-905-0] (monograph)  (ITA)

  7. P de Gioia Carabellese, Banking Resolution Tools, Bail-in, Fundamental Rights, Wolters Kluwer, Madrid, 2019 (ISBN: 978-84-9020-962-2 (monograph)

  8. M Haentjens & P de Gioia Carabellese, European Banking and Financial Law Statutes (Routledge, London and New York 2018) (ISBN 978-1-138-04433-3) (Joint Author) (unannotated textbook)

  9. M Haentjens & P de Gioia Carabellese, European Banking and Financial Law (Routledge, London and New York 2015) 1-245 (ISBN 1138897965) (Joint Author) (textbook)


  1. Isabel Fernadez Torres & P de Gioia Carabellese, The Resolution Tools: a Legal Analysis and an Empirical Investigation, in Alberto Ruiz Ojeda & José María López Jiménez (eds), Estudios Sobre la Resolución Bancaria, 2019, Aranzadi, Pamplona , 845-900 (Co-Author) (0.5)

  2. P de Gioia Carabellese, Securitisations, in I H-Y Chiu & I MacNeil (eds), Research Handbook on Shadow Banking: Legal and Regulatory Aspects. Edward Elgar’s Series (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and Northampton 2018) 117-170 (ISBN: 978 1 78536 262 0) (Sole Author) (1)




  1. P de Gioia Carabellese, Corporate Social Responsibility e Common Law, in Daniela Caterino e Ivan Ingravallo (eds), L’impresa sostenibile alla prova del dialogo dei saperi, EuriConv, Lecce, 2020, in print (conference paper);

  2. P de Gioia Carabellese, The Unfair Dismissal in Britain, in MT Carinci (ed), The Unfair Dismissal in Europe and Japan (conference papers) (Conference University of Milan, 8th February 2016);

  3. P de Gioia Carabellese, Lo sciopero in un’analisi comparata fra la ‘protected trade dispute’ nel Regno unito e il diritto di sciopero riconosciuto nel Continente, in particolare in Italia (The Strike in a Comparative Analysis between the ‘Protected trade Dispute’ in the United Kingdom and the Right to Strike in the Continent, particularly in Italy), in M Barbera and A Perulli (eds), Consenso, dissenso e rappresentanza. Le nuove relazioni sindacali. University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, Dipartimento di Economia – Collana del Centro Studi Giuridici (CEDAM 2014) 205-214 (Venice Conference – 27th and 28th February 2013) (ISSN: 978-88-13-34087-2)




  1. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Brexit? No, harsh Brexit and a New Lex Argentaria Europae’ (2019)2 European Company Law (editorial) (Scientific List) (1)

  2. P. de Gioia Carabellese, Brexit 2019? No, piuttosto una nuova Lex Argentaria in Europa, in Nuova Secondaria, n. 9, 2019, pp. 25-28, 4 anno XXXVI (25,28) (ISSN 1828-4582) (Editorial, in Italian) (Scientific List) (1)

  3. (with A Place), Brexit and London: Speculative Predictions in the Banking and Finance Industry (2018) European Financial Review <> (Senior Author)

  4. P de Gioia Carabellese & R Colhoun, ‘Flexible Working Arrangements’ ADAPT_bulletin, 16 July 2014  <>

  5. P de Gioia Carabellese e R Colhoun, Employee Shareholder ‘Status’ in ADAPT_Bulletin, 16 <July 2014>





  1. P Sinclair de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Will Germany flout Europe’s bail-in rules if Deutsche Bank needs rescuing?’ The Conversation, 25th October 2016 <>

  2. P Sinclair de Gioia Carabellese, ‘London banking will struggle to escape Brexit trap’ 4th July 2016  The Conversation, <>

REF 2014:


  1. P de Gioia Carabellese & N Cecchetto, ‘The Anatomy (or Post Mortem) of a Peculiar Legal Concept in the Italian Company Law: the Separate Fund’ (2013)10 European Company Law 45-50; (ISSN 1572-4999) (Senior Author) (0.5)

  2. C Chessa & P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Le “Missive” nel Sistema Giuridico Scozzese e la Caparra Penitenziale nella Contrattazione Preliminare in Italia: Riflessioni Diacroniche e Comparatistiche’ (‘Diachronic and Comparative Reflections in the Matter of the concept of the Arrha: a Roman Law Notion lost in the Modern Scottish System of the Missives and their Renowned (but probably not totally Demonstrated) “Binding” Nature’) (2013)2 Contratto e Impresa/Europa 920-943 (ISSN: 11272872) (Senior Author) (in Italian) (A list)

  3. P de Gioia Carabellese & M Shuttleworth, ‘Unfair Dismissal of Agency Workers or Unfair Legislation in the UK for Businesses using Agency Workers. A Law Discussion on the Agency Workers Regulations in the light of a Theoretical – or too Theoretical – Harmonisation and from a Tenuous Perspective of Comparative Analysis’ (2013)24 European Business Law Review 635-659; (ISSN: 0959-6941) (Senior Author) (A list)

  4. P de Gioia Carabellese & G Zilio-Grandi, ‘The Dismissal by way of Redundancy in the United Kingdom as a Possible Legal Concept to be transplanted in Italy? A Meditation on the “Odyssey of an Impossible Dismissal (the Economic Dismissal in Italy) and a Possible inspirational Muse (the British Legislation in the matter of the Redundancy)’ (2013)24 European Business Law Review 849-871 (ISSN: 0959-6941) (Senior Author) (A List)

  5. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Analisi del quadro normativo del licenziamento economico (economic dismissal) nel Regno Unito; un possibile modello di riferimento per l’Italia’ (A legal analysis of the economic dismissal (redundancy) in the UK: a possible yardstick for the Italian legislation) [2012] Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali 1085-1107 (ISSN: 1121-8762); (in Italian) (Sole Author) (submitted to REF 2014 - rated 3) (A List)

  6. P de Gioia Carabellese & R Colhoun, ‘Associative Discrimination in Britain and in the European Union: a Concept still too Elastic to be Legislated?’ (2012)1 E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 247-261; (ISSN 2280-4056) (Senior Author)

  7. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Le Insolvenze Civili e Commerciali nel Regno Unito, in un’Analisi Comparata con la Legislazione Italiana’ (The Civil and Commercial Insolvencies in the UK, within the context of a Comparative Analysis with the Italian Legislation) (2011)86 Diritto Fallimentare 529-614; (ISSN: 0391-5239 (in Italian) (A List) (1)

  8. P de Gioia Carabellese & IA Savini, ‘La “231” nel Regno Unito: Riflessioni Comparatistiche in merito al c.d. Omicidio Societario (Corporate Manslaughter) e al Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide 2007’ [2011] La Responsabilità Amministrativa delle Società e degli Enti (Rivista 231) 111-134; (ISSN 2239-2416) (in Italian) (Senior Author) (submitted to REF 2014, rated 3)

  9. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Non-executive Directors and Auditors in the context of the UK Corporate Governance; two (or too many?) “Characters” still in the Search of an Author?’ (2011)22 European Business Law Review 759-789; ISSN: (0959-6941) (Sole Author) (submitted to REF 2014, rated 3 star) (A List) (1) (ENG)

  10. P de Gioia Carabellese,‘The Concepts of the Scottish (and Italian) Unilateral Promise and the English Unilateral Contracts’ (Comparative Law Reflections on “Call Options” and “Put Options” in the light of the Jurisdictions of England, Scotland and Italy)’ (2011)22 European Business Law Review 381-398; (ISSN: 0959-6941) (Sole Author) (submitted to REF 2014, rated 3) (A List) (1)

  11. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘“Derivatives” in the light of the Recent Financial Crises (Lehman Brothers) and through Glimpses of Comparative Analysis’ (2010)3 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto dell’Economia 234-257; (ISSN: 2036-4873) (Sole Author) (A List) (1) (ENG)

  12. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Gli “agency workers” nel Regno Unito fra common law e disciplina comunitaria’ (‘Agency Workers in the UK between Common Law and the Latest EU piece of Legislation’) [2010] Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza Wolters Kluwer 143-158; (02460000 - ISBN: 88-13-02460-0) (in Italian) (Sole Author)

  13. P de Gioia Carabellese,‘Corporate governance, amministratori non-executive e auditors sull’asse Roma-Londra (‘Corporate Governance, Non-executive Directors and Auditors in between Rome and London’) [2009] Le Società Wolters Kluwer 1556-1574; (02020000 - ISBN: 88-13-02020-0) (Sole Author)

  14. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘I doveri dei “members” del “Board of Directors” e le relative responsabilità alla luce del nuovo Companies Act 2006’ (‘Duties of the Directors and Relevant Responsibilities in the light of the new Companies Act 2006’) [2009] Le Società Wolters Kluwer 784-798; (02020000 - ISBN: 88-13-02020-0) (in Italian); (Sole Author)

  15. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Clamoroso al Cibali: l’opa obbligatoria esiste!’ (‘Unbelievable but True: the Mandatory Take-over does exist!’) [2008] Le Società Wolters Kluwer 1005-1026; (02020000 - ISBN: 88-13-02020-0) (in Italian) (Sole Author)




  1. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Commentary sub artt. 2409-bis, 2409-ter, 2409-quater of the Italian Civil Code’ (‘Liability of Auditing Firms in the financial statement certification’) in G Schiano di Pepe and G Fauceglia (eds), Commentario delle Società per Azioni (Joint Stock-company Commentary Treatise) (UTET, Torino 2007) 929-971; (ISBN 978-88-598-0126-9) (in Italian) (Sole Author)

  2. A Ciatti & P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Commentary sub art. 27, 27-bis, 27-ter, 27-quater of the Consumer Code’ (‘Unlawful Advertisement’) in P Perlingieri and E Capobianco (eds), Commentario al Codice del Consumo (Commentary Treatise on the Consumer Code) (ESI, Napoli 2009); (ISBN  9788849518542) (in Italian) (Joint Author)

  3. P de Gioia Carabellese, Defensive Measures in the Take-overs in M Sandulli and V Santoro (editors), Collana Le nuove leggi del diritto dell'Economia (Edited Book The New Legislation in law and Economics) in G Fauceglia (ed), Commentary to the new Italian Take-over legislation (Commentario alla direttiva OPA) (Giappichelli Editore, Turin 2010) 49-100; (ISBN 978-88-348-0073-7) (in Italian) (1) (ITA)




  1. P de Gioia Carabellese, G Zilio-Grandi & R Colhoun), ‘The Concept of “Protected Trade Dispute” in the UK Legislation: a (still and never-ending) Fashionable Notion to be exported to the Continent, despite "Metrobus" and "British Airway"’ (Working Paper - Adapt – Research Centre “Marco Biagi” Modena) (August – 2013)

  2. P de Gioia Carabellese, ‘Analisi del quadro normativo del licenziamento economico (economic dismissal) nel Regno Unito; un possibile modello di riferimento per l’Italia’ (A legal analysis of the economic dismissal (redundancy) in the UK: a possible yardstick for the Italian legislation) in Working Paper no 124 (15th March 2012 Adapt – Centre for Research “Marco Biagi” Modena) 1-12; (in Italian)

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